“The overall goal of the Judaica program is to give each child a sense of pride in our Jewish heritage.”
There is nothing more important to us as parents than for our children to be proud of who they are. In order for a child to be proud of her heritage, she must be able to understand it, love it, and be comfortable with it.
The Hebrew reading program begins in Kindergarten. Hebrew language is both incorporated into all Judaic subjects as well as taught as a language. Our students graduate with an understanding of the Hebrew language, and the tools to be able to hold a conversation in Hebrew.
The Tal Am curriculum Torah Academy uses, is based on years of research on the principles of language development and learning patterns and is used in 357 schools world wide. Torah Academy is excited to offer this curriculum to enhance our Hebrew language program, giving our students the tools to be fluent in Hebrew language when they graduate.
Our rich Jewish heritage and the history of the world are taught in the Torah for us to learn from the stories and discussions. Our students learn the weekly Torah portion and also delve into the text through in-depth study, focusing on another part of the Torah each year.
Our Chumash Skills Program called L'havin U'Lhaskil, incorporates current educational models and technology, and it allows students to gain the textual skills to learn Chumash independently. The program uses workbooks, creative lessons; Smart-board interactive lessons, songs, charts, posters, and flashcards for each student; and formative and summative assessments to ensure each student is meeting the appropriate grade standards.
The Jewish calendar is permeated with customs and laws that date back thousands of years and helps us remember important events in our nation's history. As each holiday draws near, our students learn about the customs and deeper meaning of the occasion through classroom study and education activities.