Elementary students participated in a unique field trip before Rosh Hashana to Saul and Raquel Hakim's bee farm. They learned about how honey is made and the bee lifecycle and community structure. They were fascinated to see all the tools of the trade such as the beekeeper suit, the smoker, and the honeycomb frames. They tasted and were able to take home samples of the fresh local honeycomb and honey that is harvested at this farm. JPA students participated in a similar demonstration when the Hakims visited school along with much of their paraphernalia.
Shofar Blowing
Each morning during the month of Elul, leading up to the Jewish New Year it is customary to blow the Shofar to wake up the innermost part of our soul and remind it to reconnect with G-d. We were fortunate to have an excellent Shofar blower, parent Berry Silver, come each morning to start our day with Shofar blowing.
Farm to Table- Parent Partnerships
Education is a partnership between home and school. A big thank you to our amazing teachers Ms. Joy and Ms. Jada for coordinating a unique lesson on growing vegetables with parents Mr. and Mrs. Borowski. Our Chickadees learned how a pepper grows, that vegetables are delicious and planted the seeds of the peppers they ate. Can't wait to see the fruits of our labor as our plants and children blossom. Parents contributing their talents and time is what makes our great school amazing!
PTO Project- New Bottle Fillers
The Parent Teacher Organization has fundraised for an outdoor water fountain. This project was completed this past month when the old water fountains were placed with a dual water fountain and bottle filler system. This will allow the students to use reuseable water bottles that are environmentally friendly and bring their water outside. Thank you to past PTO leaders, Orit Naghi and Lina Warshawski as well as all parents who volunteered for participating in this project.