

Composting and Tasting for Tu B'shvat

IMG-20240111-WA0079.jpgScience & Torah merged in an immersive and fascinating way at STA Elementary, as Tu B'shvat approached. In advance of the New Year for Trees, we were introduced to our new composter by Chef Alex, who explained the process and benefits of composting. Students were excited to fill the composter with soil and earthworms, getting really close up to nature in action. We discussed the verse in the Torah regarding ‘Bal Tashchit’- ‘do not destroy fruit trees’, which taken further, mandates, not to waste food from trees or the earth. Elementary students joined in groups to decorate special compost collection buckets for each elementary and JPA class. To culminate the activity, refreshing home-made fruit smoothies were enjoyed by all!

On the actual day of Tu B'shvat, students gathered for a program in the Multi-purpose room, heard a special story and Tu B'shvat poems, and were then delighted with a Tu B'shvat Tasting! A colorful and delicious array of fruits was set out - exotic, fresh, and dried, including of course the traditional, ‘Shivat HaMinim’, 7 species with which the Land of Israel is blessed. Students enjoyed the various tastes and textures of grapes, figs, pomegranates, olives, dates, dragon fruit, guava, grapefruit, apricots and more! Lessons for us, from a tree, came to life in classroom discussions and students prepared artwork, essays, songs, and more. Hey, don't forget to spread out your leafy branches of beautiful good deeds..and always remember to share your delicious fruits of kindness with others!

Math in Children's Literature

20240122_111740.jpgWe defeated dragons, we shared with friends, we feared melting ice sheets are just a few of the story lines our Middle School authors thought of to create their own works of literature. The students were given a list of math skills and a few guidelines to write a children’s book. What resulted was beyond expectations! Middle schoolers showed their amazing creativity and writing skills in math. The project ended with the authors reading their books to different classes. What an amazing experience!

Social Emotional Learning in JPA

IMG-20240126-WA0001.jpgThe Children in the Chickadees class watched in awe as Ms. Paris poured baking soda into red colored vinegar. It began to bubble and boil.

This was not your typical volcano science experiment; this was a demonstration to help the children understand their feelings, in this case, what it feels like to be angry. 

They used the blue color to represent feeling sad and yellow for happiness. The children are asked often: what are you feeling today? We teach them to recognize their emotions, which is the first step to emotional regulation. This is a skill that in previous generations was often missing in our education system.

Social emotional learning has become a vital piece of Early Childhood education with it often taking precedence over the other important parts of the curriculum. 

STEM Challenge


Recently, our 4th and 5th grade students celebrated the completion of a Social Studies Lesson with a quick STEM challenge. This glow in the dark building kit was a huge hit as students collaborated to create a class structure in under 10 minutes!


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