
Minute to Win: 10 Plagues Edition

Friday, 19 April, 2024 - 10:21 am


Elementary students have been gearing up for Pesach (Passover) with immersive learning and experiences. 

At our recent Rosh Chodesh assembly- welcoming the new Jewish month of Nissan in which we celebrate Pesach, we re-enacted the 10 Plagues with a grand ‘Minute To Win It’ competition. Interactive races were certainly unforgettable. When the students recall the 10 Plagues at the Pesach Seder this year, the exciting activity they participated in at school, will definitely come to mind. 

Some of the activities included, The "blood" (fruit punch) race, “frog” spoon jump, search for the "lice" in the rice, and a hysterical sheep-nose “animal”-cotton-ball race. 

With large balls swinging overhead, students challenged each other to guess ‘how many bottles can your “hail” knock over?’ 

Red- speckled gloves assisted the students to ace the challenge of not letting 

the “boils” touch your balloon! Each contest really got the students into the Pesach spirit!

In the classrooms, Pesach learning has been underway with a frenzy, helping to infuse the students’ holiday with true meaning.

K- 1 created large sized 4 cups of wine and large round Matzahs to decorate the classroom bulletin boards, as well as a larger-than-life Mt. Sinai and 10 Commandments/Tablets, symbolizing the receiving of the Torah after the Exodus from Egypt.

As a Pesach gift to bring home for holiday enjoyment, the students created Afikomen bags (K) and fingertip washing towels (1st).

2nd -3rd graders perused the entire Haggadah and created their own personal Haggadahs with explanations and art embellishments. 

4th- 5th Grade learned about the Yom Tov in detail and those teachings were depicted onto large cardboard Seder plates which were 3-D and realistic looking.

6th- 8th graders compiled a booklet of Dvar Torah explanations to discuss during the Seder while the Haggadah will be recited. Each student contributed meaningful content.

School-wide, each student received a colorful holiday checklist that lists the daily Mitzvahs and special holiday traditions. Students are encouraged to use the checklists to keep up with the holiday observances over Passover/Spring break.

STA students are good and ready for Pesach, and are excited to celebrate with family, friends, and community!

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