
Fathers' Fix-it Day a Resounding Success!

Tuesday, 1 October, 2024 - 11:52 am


Sunday morning brought with it STA’s much-anticipated Dads Fix-It Day, and it was a resounding success! This was the first project of our newly relaunched PTO. Fathers from JPA and STA rolled up their sleeves and came together to help with various repair and improvement projects around the school. From power washing, to our remaking our outdoor toddler space, to the start of a new hammock garden, and so much more, their hard work and dedication made a significant impact.

Thank you to Jackson Fragozo for overseeing the work, PTO heads, Chaya Mushka Ceitlin and Tzivyah Greenwald for arranging the event and childcare, and Rabbi Chesney and Yossi Cohen for a great BBQ lunch. A big thank you to all the dads who participated!

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