1st Grade winner- 'Fire truck and Me' Menorah: Luba L. 2nd- 3rd Grade Winners- 'Sparkler Jewish birthday Menorah, spread the sparks of Torah & Light': Eliya S. & Raffi S. 4th- 5th Grade Winner (Tie): "Spread Light & Unity, Never Give up Hope, Magen David Menorah": Lina D. 4th- 5th Grade Winner (Tie)- 'Glowing Menorah, spreading light with glowing OIL lamps": Yuda S. 6th- 8th Grade Winner- "Give chanukah gelt & gifts Menorah, Gift the light of Torah & Mitzvot to others": Tohar S. Overall school-wide winner- "Light over the DARKNESS Menorah, a little light pushes away much darkness" : Levi L. & Menachem C. (4th- 5th Grade)This week, STA elementary students had a chance to showcase their creativity and knowledge by creating unique menorah's for the annual menorah contest. Building teamwork skills by pairing up with friends, menorahs were crafted and then judged according to creativity, effort, display, kosher credibility, independent work and message the menorah expressed. Some of the menorahs included "No matter who, no matter where, Chanukah is everywhere", a menorah made of ducks, of sparklers, of makeup to "beautify the world", pinecone menorah, and many more. Thank you to our judges, our very own Ms. Stattelman, catapult teacher, and guest judge community member Hannah Sheynin. The winning Menorahs: