Middle schoolers have been learning about the process of photosynthesis. To set up the experiment, students exhaled Carbon Dioxide into Bromothymol Blue using straws. This caused the BTB to turn from blue to yellow. They added plants into two test tubes with the yellow BTB. One tube was placed in the window and one in the closet. We filled two tubes with the chemical but without a plant, placed in the same locations as a control. The purpose of this experiment is to see if the plant will photosynthesize with and without sunlight. If it does, the BTB should turn blue again to show the absorption of Carbon Dioxide. After 24 hours, the students made their observations and discussed why it did or didn’t photosynthesize. Once the experiment concluded, the plants went back to the aquarium and we decided as a class to get fish. Students researched types of fish that can be together in a 1.5 gallon tank. They compiled a list that included names and prices. We are now the proud owners of Guppies.