

Drum Circle with Shira Moss: A Musical Experience to Remember


Today, our JPA students had an unforgettable experience as we welcomed visiting musician Shira Moss from Boston for a special drum circle! Each student got to choose an instrument—drums, tambourines, bells, shakers, and more—and had the chance to switch and explore different sounds throughout the session.

With Shira’s guidance, we learned how to create our own rhythms and blend our sounds together as a group, making beautiful music as a community. As we played, we sang familiar songs for Tu B’Shvat, Shabbat, and Shalom Chaveirim, filling the room with energy, joy, and connection.

It was an amazing opportunity to express ourselves through music, work as a team, and celebrate the power of rhythm and song. Thank you, Shira, for an inspiring and musical day!

Mezuzah Workshop


Did you know that there are over 4,000 laws connected to the mitzvah of mezuzah!? After delving into some of those laws as part of their unit on Mezuzos, 4th and 5th graders were treated to a workshop presentation by the “Mezuzah Doctor” of New Orleans, Rabbi Mendel Rivkin. Rabbi Rivkin shared stories of his experiences, tips and tricks to keeping a Mezuzah Kosher and in good condition, as well as information and insights about the mitzvah of affixing a Mezuzah on the doorpost. Students got to feel the parchment and ask their own questions. This definitely added to their excitement about the topic! 

Shevet Achim gam Yachad- SAY CC Week

PXL_20250203_170155178.jpgSTA students joined together with the students of JCDS for a week of fun and engaging electives. Children's Choice Week included Cooking, Baking, 3D Printing, Karate, Jewelery making, Sports, Ceramics, Theater, and Gymnastics. The program culminated in a joint lunch at STA, where each elective had a chance to showcase what the students have been enjoying all week. Thank you to Richard and Vivian Cahn for generously sponsoring and spearheading this amazing opportunity for our students! 


Our Chickadees Celebrate Tu B’Shvat with a Colorful Fruit Salad


Tu B’Shvat, the birthday of the trees, was a special and delicious celebration in our classroom! Our Chickadees brought a wonderful assortment of fruits from home, including plums, kiwis, oranges, apples, pears, and strawberries. Each child had the opportunity to cut their own fruit using Montessori knives, practicing their fine motor skills and independence. They were so excited to prepare their fruit and see the bright, juicy pieces come together. Once all the fruits were chopped, we set up a beautiful buffet filled with so many colors. The children carefully selected their favorites to create their own personalized fruit salads.

It was a hands-on way to appreciate nature and celebrate Tu B’Shvat. The joy on their faces as they savored their fruit salads was the sweetest part of the day!


Shining Bright: Creativity on Display at the Menorah Contest

 IMG-20241219-WA0054.jpgThis week, STA elementary students had a chance to showcase their creativity and knowledge by creating unique menorah's for the annual menorah contest. Building teamwork skills by pairing up with friends, menorahs were crafted and then judged according to creativity, effort, display, kosher credibility, independent work and message the menorah expressed. Some of the menorahs included "No matter who, no matter where, Chanukah is everywhere", a menorah made of ducks, of sparklers, of makeup to "beautify the world", pinecone menorah, and many more. Thank you to our judges, our very own Ms. Stattelman, catapult teacher, and guest judge community member Hannah Sheynin. The winning Menorahs: 

1st Grade winner- 'Fire truck and Me' Menorah: Luba L.

2nd- 3rd Grade Winners- 'Sparkler Jewish birthday Menorah, spread the sparks of Torah & Light': Eliya S. & Raffi S.

4th- 5th Grade Winner (Tie): "Spread Light & Unity, Never Give up Hope, Magen David Menorah": Lina D.

4th- 5th Grade Winner (Tie)-  'Glowing Menorah, spreading light with glowing OIL lamps": Yuda S.

6th- 8th Grade Winner- "Give chanukah gelt & gifts Menorah, Gift the light of Torah & Mitzvot to others": Tohar S.

Overall school-wide winner- "Light over the DARKNESS Menorah, a little light pushes away much darkness" : Levi L. & Menachem C. (4th- 5th Grade)

The Doves Class Whips Up Delicious Homemade Latkes

xya6pia3tpo_xvvwjtk7pw.jpgThe Doves pre-K class recently embarked on a delightful culinary adventure, learning to make latkes from scratch. Guided by the ever-creative Morah Shifra, the young chefs donned their aprons and got straight to work. The process began with peeling potatoes, a task that required patience, focus, and a little extra teamwork. There were, of course, a few booboos along the way, but the children showed remarkable resilience and a willingness to try again. Once the potatoes were peeled, it was time for the grating. With lots of excitement (and a healthy dose of caution), the children took turns grating the potatoes, filling the classroom with the fresh, earthy smell of raw potatoes—a sensory experience all its own.

With the hard work of grating complete, it was time to mix in the essential ingredients. The children cracked eggs, added onions, and measured out other key components of the latke batter. Each student had a role, whether it was stirring, measuring, or taste-testing (just a little!). The sense of accomplishment was palpable as they watched their mixture come together. The highlight of the day, however, was the frying station, which had been carefully set up in the classroom under close supervision. Watching the batter transform into crispy, golden-brown latkes was nothing short of magical. The sizzle of the oil and the wafting aroma made it clear that something special was happening.

The fruits of their labor were shared far and wide. Not only did the Doves get to enjoy the latkes they worked so hard to create, but they also shared them with the Robins (young toddlers) and their teachers. Through this activity, the Doves practiced fine motor skills, teamwork, and patience—all while connecting with a cherished cultural tradition.

Novel Study: Mr. Popper's Penguins

IMG-20241203-WA0026.jpgWalk into the 3rd Grade modular, and you will see student made posters adorning the walls. After concluding the book Mr. Popper's Penguins, each student created a poster to showcase their knowledge of the material. Using a timeline as their base, each student drew pictures and wrote explanations as a review of the book. The third graders definitely enjoyed the project. Good luck with starting your new novel! Happy learning!

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory 2.0


Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, a beloved children's book by Roald Dahl, has been remodeled by our Middle School students. As a project in Mrs. Lemoine's ELA class, the students rewrote the story and then directed and acted in their own production. Each student was involved and excited, spending time in and out of school to prepare. The revamped script includes the usual storyline, with additions and modifications which reflect the STA students' imaginations. Great job to all of the actors and actresses.

Fashion Designer, Isabelle Zaphran visits STA Middle School


Middle School Girls have been exploring the topic of modesty, Tzniut, in depth in Morah Cohen's class. The subject generated a lot of discussions filled with thoughtful questions and reflections from the students. Recently, Mrs. Isabelle Zaphran, a fashion designer who grew up in New Orleans and now lives in Dallas, TX came to share her story of becoming religious and  her experiences in the field. Her presentation focused on her journey and her appreciation for the Mitzvah and laws of modesty. The girls really enjoyed, and they had the chance to ask her questions about her work and inspiration. The presentation made an impression on the Middle School and helped inspire them in their own modesty.

Clay Enrichment a Highlight at JPA

cljuqav5qkcejfndyyqsha.jpgOur preschool’s clay enrichment class has become a highlight of the week! Led by the talented Ms. Paris Labran, this workshop offers a hands-on experience that fosters creativity, fine motor development, and sensory exploration. Using real clay provides children with a rich, tactile medium that encourages imaginative play while building foundational artistic skills.

Each week, Ms. Paris thoughtfully designs provocations to inspire the children. They’ve explored rolling clay with rolling pins, cutting it into shapes, and incorporating natural materials like rocks and twigs to create textures and patterns. Loose parts, such as glass beads or mosaic tiles, are added to encourage open-ended design, and the introduction of colored clay brings a delightful element of discovery and experimentation.

Beyond the artistic benefits, working with clay promotes hand-eye coordination, strengthens fingers for writing readiness, and nurtures a sense of accomplishment.

We’re thrilled to see the joy and pride on their faces as they transform simple materials into imaginative works of art. Thank you, Ms. Paris, for your dedication and creativity in crafting this enriching experience for our young learners!

$640 Raised through Learning for ZAKA



At the end of the 23-24/5784 school year, our students participated in a schoolwide Pirkei Avot Learn-a-thon. Each student found sponsors to donate for Israel based on the amount of lines and verses they memorized. Pirkei Avot is customarily learned during Sefirat Ha'omer, and this year, it was especially significant as the learning was done in memory of our dear Rosina Slater OBM. In total $640 was raised and recently sent off to support ZAKA in Israel. We are so proud of all of our students who put in so much effort. STA is grateful to be able to support our brothers and sisters in Eretz Yisrael through this project. 

Fathers' Fix-it Day a Resounding Success!


Sunday morning brought with it STA’s much-anticipated Dads Fix-It Day, and it was a resounding success! This was the first project of our newly relaunched PTO. Fathers from JPA and STA rolled up their sleeves and came together to help with various repair and improvement projects around the school. From power washing, to our remaking our outdoor toddler space, to the start of a new hammock garden, and so much more, their hard work and dedication made a significant impact.

Thank you to Jackson Fragozo for overseeing the work, PTO heads, Chaya Mushka Ceitlin and Tzivyah Greenwald for arranging the event and childcare, and Rabbi Chesney and Yossi Cohen for a great BBQ lunch. A big thank you to all the dads who participated!

Rosh Hashana Case Files: Middle School Girls Research the Jewish New Year


This Tishrei season, our middle school girls donned their detective hats as they delved into an exciting research project. Each group of students was given a different part of the holiday season to research and create a case file on. As each holiday approaches, the group will present the portfolio which they put together. Information in the case file includes the meaning of the names of the holidays, its unique laws and customs, the deeper meaning to the holiday, the schedule, special foods, and prayers. What a great way to showcase how learning can be as fun as solving a mystery!

Hands-On Geography: 2nd and 3rd Graders Create Their Own Globes

IMG-20240904-WA0019.jpgThis week in social studies class, the 2nd and 3rd graders enjoyed some hands on learning with Mrs. Golay in connection to their unit on the world’s oceans, continents, the equator, prime meridian, and hemispheres. Using balloons to create their own globes, the students labeled each part with the correct terms as they had learned. This project was spread over 2 days, as the 2nd graders and  3rd-graders took turns helping each other. This cooperative learning activity not only resulted in creative globes but also fostered teamwork and a deeper understanding of geography.

Kicking Off the Year with Fun

IMG-20240906-WA0011.jpgHere at STA school has begun, and we celebrated with our annual Elementary Welcome Back BBQ! This fun event was an opportunity for parents, students, and staff to interact as we gear up for the year ahead. Students and their parents participated in an exciting Kahoot! game to see how well they know STA. Questions included "Which class has the most siblings" "How many windows there are on the school building? Which family lives the closest to school? , and more! Thank you to all of the Staff and volunteers involved in preparing the program. What a great way to kick start the year!

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